When it comes to raw feeding dogs, it is not unusual to hear reports from dog owners that their dog has gone off raw dog food or won’t eat raw food anymore. Often the dog has been on a raw diet for a while, seemingly loving it at first, before becoming increasingly fussy and appearing to favour certain options over others.
This situation can be concerning, and a typical response when a dog stops eating raw food is to try another raw brand or revert to processed foods. Many owners assume their dog doesn’t like the old food any more, but often this is not the case.
All of the tips contained in this article apply, regardless of the type of food your dog eats. In our experience, many times a dog seems to have gone off their raw food the reason is straightforward; they just aren’t hungry.
If you analyse how much you feed your dog, including ALL of the treats they get in a day versus what they should be eating, you may be overfeeding them.
Of course, this scenario occurs with the best intentions and sometimes without realising it. We have dog owners contact us frequently to say their dog won’t eat, only to discover that this is because they are being fed more than they need and therefore aren’t hungry.
This is especially common around 9 or 10 months old when growth rates slow, and puppies no longer need as much to eat.
To add further confusion to the issue, a dog refusing to eat raw may be drawn to a new raw option or alternative food, but this is often short-lived as it’s just the new and exciting smell they are enticed by. If they are not hungry, the dog will eventually behave the same, refusing the food again.
It’s not uncommon for some dog owners to go through every raw food on the market until they give up or figure out that the dog is not hungry.
If this sounds familiar, assess your dog’s food quantities as a priority. You can use ProDog’s raw food calculator as a guide, don’t forget to include EVERY treat and titbit that passes your dog’s lips into your overall daily food quantity calculations.
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