raw dog food: FREE DELIVERY on all food bundles
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Formulated in collaboration with leading holistic vets, ProDog Exotics are a range of novel protein raw dog food meals. Designed to support dogs on elimination diets or with intolerances to more commonly farmed meats. All meals in this range are single protein.
For dog owners who require simple and easy “BARF” food, this is the option to choose. Simply defrost, pop the lid and serve.
We formulate ProDog Raw food to meet the extreme demands placed on the bodies of working dogs. This means for domestic dogs, our meals provide an abundance of nutrients, fueling them to thrive too. Our quality raw food contains all of the healthy fats and species-appropriate proteins a dog requires regardless of their role in life. Plus, we ensure grains, fillers or any ingredient that does not support the canine digestive system are NOT included.
Available in 500g and 1kg tubs. Suitable for dogs 24 weeks +, our Exotic Formula range is created using the finest, ethically sourced, British ingredients from DEFRA approved local farms, meaning all our meat comes from human-quality production sources, operating with the best welfare practices and, wherever possible, the livestock is pasture reared.
We offer a choice of ‘with offal’ or ‘without offal’ meal options, containing a minimum of 75% fresh, human-quality meat, which provides a quality protein source necessary for optimum growth, development and vitality. 10% ground bone, highly beneficial to the digestive system and a source of protein, diverse minerals and healthy fats. 10% offal (‘with offal’ options only) – rich in essential vitamins and minerals. Plus, for micronutrient support 8.3% seasonal vegetables, 0.5% superfood seaweed, kelp, rich in minerals and omega 3 fatty acids and additional, a natural digestive aid 0.2 % chicory root and to ensure true single protein recipe we use plant oils hemp oil and flaxseed, rich in nourishing Omega-3 fatty acids and containing bioactive plant compounds.
All of our novel protein meals are formulated in our dedicated production factory, and we operate small batch production, meaning better quality formulation and strict quality control protocol. In addition, all of our food is blast frozen to retain full nutritional merit from the freezer to the bowl.
To make life even easier, we’ve put together a selection of 15kg and 25kg bundles containing exclusively or including Complete Formula meals; each is designed with particular needs in mind. Bundles offer one-click ordering, free delivery to UK standard shipping areas and discounted pricing.
ProDog Raw’s mission is to help your dog thrive. We believe nutrition is the cornerstone of canine health and, as such, invest our all into providing fresh, natural, raw dog food, natural treats and nutritional dog supplements designed with 100% species-appropriate ingredients from human quality production sources, operating with the best possible welfare practices.
We advocate feeding your dog a variety of proteins; by incorporating a selection of protein options you provide your dog with vitamins and minerals from across the nutritional spectrum. If one meat type delivers a select range of nutrients, offering a diverse range of meats will ensure you fuel your dog in a nutritionally comprehensive way.
Variety equals nutritional balance!
Your dog’s individual requirements, breed, age, level of activity can all play a part in finding the combination of proteins, meal options and treat choices that will help them thrive. Each dog is unique and has specific nutritional needs. By offering a range of raw food and treat options, you will, over time, establish the perfect raw food diet for your dog.
Why not find out more about raw feeding or contact us today to speak with one of ProDog Raw’s dedicated feeding advice team, who will be ready to help you find the perfect raw feeding menu for your dog.