We all want the best for our dogs and we go to every length to make sure that we offer them just that, whether its buying them a new bed or a smart collar to more specific things like how to choose the right joint supplements for dogs. From the moment we bring them home as puppies, or adopt them as part of the family, we spend lots of our time and money giving them everything we can to ensure they have a long and happy, healthy life.
Why do Dogs Need Joint and Hip Supplements?
Due to a variety of reasons such as breed genetics, the physical demands put on an active dog, illness/injury or as a dog becomes more senior in years, they can become more prone to joint degeneration. Just like humans, dogs can sustain wear and tear to their joints and develop painful conditions such as osteoarthritis. This condition is more common than you may expect, affecting approximately 20% of all dogs. Although many causes of osteoarthritis are impossible to stop entirely, you can take steps to aid the prevention of this and slow the process down. As an owner, you can help to protect and support your dogs joints simply by supplementing their diet by using dog supplements. But how do you know what is the best dog joint supplement and what should you be considering when deciding if it’s the right choice for your dog?
What is the Age and Breed of Your Dog?
While every dog can be prone to joint inflammation, stiff and painful joints, degenerative joint disease and canine arthritis, there are particular breeds that can suffer more with specific conditions like hip and elbow dysplasia. The larger breeds which carry more weight are a prime example. German Shepherds, Great Danes, Labradors, Bulldogs and Golden Retrievers are all examples of dogs which might be susceptible to these issues. But while these specific breeds require protection from a younger age, all dogs can start to suffer as they get older. A dog will naturally produce less of the joint compounds which repair damaged tissue and cartilage as they age.
When to Give Your Dog Joint Supplements
As the saying goes “prevention is better than cure” and dog joint supplements are a great way to assist with (degenerative) joint conditions including hip and elbow dysplasia. If you have a larger breed dog, you should start them from a young age. While many supplements are suitable for young puppies, it is recommended to consult with your vet if they are under 24 weeks. The key thing is not to wait and use it as a treatment. These issues cannot be reversed and need to be caught early to assist in the prevention of progression of canine joint deterioration/degenerative conditions
Why is it Important to Give Your Dog Joint Supplements?
As a dog ages the body’s natural glucosamine levels deplete and they stop producing enough to be able to sustain good joint health. This naturally occurring compound helps the body to repair damaged cartilage and tissue. When less is produced, the dog can start to develop problems. By supplementing this ingredient, especially as they age, you make sure they that have enough to maintain joint health. Along with chondroitin, another ingredient you will find in a good joint supplement, these ingredients can help to slow down the ageing process of the joints and help the dog to sustain greater mobility for longer.
What Does a Good Joint Supplement for Dogs Contain?
In addition to ingredients like glucosamine and chondroitin, a good joint supplement also has other ingredients such as MSM, or methylsulfonylmethane. This not only helps with digestion and absorption helping your dog to process the glucosamine and chondroitin, it is also another ingredient which can help to prevent cartilage breakdown and act a as a natural inflammatory. Other natural ingredients that provide excellent assistance against joint inflammation and joint or muscle injury include turmeric, hemp protein and vitamin C.
Are There Any Adverse Effects of a Joint Supplement?
One major consideration is that while a joint supplement that contains these key ingredients can offer great health benefits to your dog, it will not have any adverse effects. When considering what is the best joint supplement for dogs, you can rest assured that you will do no harm by offering your dog a supplement that contains all natural and organic ingredients.
What is the Best Joint Supplement for Dogs?
There are many types of joint supplement that you can choose to give your dog that are available in a variety of formats. These include capsules, tablets and powders. A powder which you can add and mix in with their food is especially good for those fussy dogs who wouldn’t ingest a tablet well. You also need to ensure that anything you do give your dog has only natural ingredients. You don’t want anything that contains anything synthetic, additives or preservatives. Combining a supplement that not only has ingredients that will help their joints but that will deliver other benefits, such as ProDog Flexx, is the best way to ensure that your dog is getting all of the nourishment/nutrients/nutritional support they need for good all-round health.
For more information about ProDog Flexx and how it can help your dog, please get in touch and we will be only too happy to answer your questions.