In a world where much modern day illness in humans and pets is fuelled by toxicity. Is it important to you to limit the toxins being absorbed by your canine pal where possible?
Yes we hear you shout!
We thought so, which is why we asked Dr Nick Thompson (aka The Holisitic Vet) to talk to you about the toxins that can be found in kibble, how these contribute to premature aging and why he recommends you ditch the dry and choose a fresh, raw, natural diet instead.
Check out the video above or, for the readers among you, we’ve included a summary below of the main points. We’ve added the time stamp too so if you want to watch a snippet of the video covering the topic you’re particularly interested in, we’ve got you covered!
0:06 As part of ditch the dry I wanted to share with you some of my pet hates about kibble and why I don’t like to fed dry kibble to dogs or cats
0:20 One of those reasons is called glycation end products
0:28 These are toxic chemicals that are naturally produced in the body and they cause tissue damage and ageing
0:53 With kibbled food, because starches from grains or non grains, like sweet potato, say, are forced together at really high temperature and pressure with proteins.
1:11 These starches break down to sugars. So you’ve got sugars going into these proteins, and basically they just stick like flies on flypaper to these proteins.
1:22 Proteins, because they’re so delicate, as soon as anything attaches to them, it will change the shape, it will change the functionality of that protein, and so it can’t work properly.
1:39 These sugar protein molecules, bung up the system and cause toxicity, which then as I say, leads to ageing.
1:48 So advanced glycation end products are an inevitable part of the extrusion and rendering process that creates kibble.
2:01 There’s only one way to make meat meal which is what goes into most kibbles. And it causes advanced glycation end products, which are toxic, ageing, and really, really bad for you.
After knowing that, do you really want to give your cat or dog dry kibble?
To read more about kibble production, check out Dr Nick’s blog “I Refuse To Feed Kibble: A Vet’s Perspective”. If you’ve landed on this video and not yet seen the other videos in this series, you will find them all on our ditch the dry page.
Explore our full grain free dog food range.