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A-Z: What Can My Dog Eat?

What’s on the menu and what’s definitely not? Find out below.

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Anna Bain

Author: Anna Bain

Alison Frost

Expert Contributor: Alison Frost

A-Z: What Can My Dog Eat?


Can my dog eat açai berries?

No, Açai berries are not safe for dogs to eat.

Many berries are labelled as superfoods and can be very beneficial for dogs to eat. Açai berries, unfortunately, are not one of those.

If given in very small amounts, Acai berries can be beneficial due to their extremely high antioxidant content. Caution must be taken though, as they do contain a very tiny amount of theobromine. This compound, also found in chocolate, ​​is toxic to dogs. Theobromine in Acai averages (0.0014mg/g), compared to an average of (0.82mg/g) in chocolate. To avoid any health issues choose dog friendly berries such as blueberries instead.

Do not panic if your dog accidentally eats one or two. More than this, however, could cause vomiting, excessive thirst, and kidney issues if left unchecked.


Can dogs eat almonds?

Yes, almonds are safe for dogs to eat and are best fed crushed, soaked or powdered to prevent risk of choking or intestinal blockage.

Your dog’s individual digestive health will determine how likely this is to occur, but you should always try to err on the side of caution with nuts.

Some Almond brands sometimes contain a mould toxin called aflatoxin, which can contribute to skin issues, nausea or even, in extreme circumstances, seizures in dogs. The mould is all down to how the almonds are stored, which, as the end buyer, can be difficult to identify.

Otherwise, almonds can provide useful additional fatty acids, fibre, vitamin E, vitamins and minerals to your dog’s diet.


Can dogs eat apples?

Yes, apples are safe for dogs to eat and can be nutritious too.

Apples are a great source of antioxidants and quercetin. Quercetin is a flavonoid that helps to fight off the harmful effects of allergies and is mostly found in the skin of the apple. A good source of prebiotics, apples are rich in pectin which supports gut health, while also especially rich in vitamin C and polyphenols.

Apples are best fed occasionally as a treat due to their high natural sugar content.  Opt for organic apples for dogs when you can. Farmed apples are quite high in pesticides, so wash them well.


Can dogs eat asparagus?

Yes, asparagus is safe for dogs to eat.

In fact, asparagus is one of the most useful vegetables for dogs due to its strong prebiotic content, coupled with above average amounts of vitamin K and vitamin B9 (folate).

These nutrients make the asparagus great for your dog’s digestive system, supporting and enhancing digestive function.

Asparagus can contribute to the natural balance of your dog’s gut bacteria and also contains useful flavonoids and anti-inflammatory compounds, such as quercetin.

You can feed asparagus to your dog a few times a week, perhaps rotated with other prebiotic foods too. Aim to feed lightly cooked, chopping off the bottom third of the vegetable, which can be tough to digest even after cooking.

Can dogs eat avocado?

Yes, avocado is safe for dogs to eat.

The flesh is highly nutritious. However, the stone and rind of avocado are unsafe for a dog to eat due to a toxin called persin, which can sometimes cause vomiting and poisoning.

Avocado flesh, however, contains healthy fats, antioxidants, minerals (especially potassium)  and fibre.

Can my dog eat apricots?

Yes, apricots are safe for dogs to eat, but the stone from an apricot is not.

Apricots can be given as an occasional snack or treat, as they provide a small amount of  vitamins C and A. As with most fruits, however, they can be higher in sugars than, say, leafy and nutritious vegetables, so try and feed them sparingly, especially if your dog has diabetes.

Can my dog eat artichokes?

Yes, Globe artichokes and Jerusalem artichokes are safe for dogs to eat. However, artichokes sold in oil may not be healthy for dogs.

Like many vegetables, Globe artichokes are fairly high in minerals, like magnesium, as well as a range of B vitamins and vitamin C. Your dog will likely digest Globe artichokes better if you cook them first.

The most useful attribute of Globe artichokes is their ability to support the liver in detoxification. As a member of the thistle family, like milk thistle, Globe artichokes contain the antioxidants cynarin and silymarin, which are both thought to positively impact liver function.

Jerusalem artichokes are also good for dogs to eat. These are more of a root than a vegetable and do not need to be peeled before feeding to your dog. They do, however, need to be lightly cooked for proper digestion to occur.

This root vegetable is high in the fibre inulin, a well-known prebiotic that feeds and sustains the good bacteria of your dog’s microbiome. Jerusalem artichokes also contain a fair amount of iron and potassium.

Can my dog eat aubergine?

Yes, aubergine is safe for dogs to eat, but there are better choices of vegetables for dogs.

Aubergine is unsuitable for dogs with inflammatory conditions or kidney ailments. Some dogs experience internal inflammation showing up as skin ailments, joint issues or other physiological conditions. Kidneys can be compromised without outward symptoms showing, so it is better to offer other, more useful vegetables such as leafy greens or those from the cucumber family.

While your dog accidentally eating some aubergine should be okay, we wouldn’t recommend that you add any to your dog’s food bowl.


Can my dog eat bacon?

No, bacon is not safe for your dog to eat.

While it shouldn’t be unsafe if snapped up in small amounts, bacon is far too high in salts (and, in many cases,  preservatives) to be healthy for your dog.

Air-dried natural dog treats are a much tastier and safer option than bacon, and your dog will love them just as much.

Can dogs eat bananas?

Yes, bananas are safe for your dog to eat. Ripe bananas can be a good prebiotic for a dog, supporting the balance of essential gut bacteria.

They also contain a good amount of potassium, copper and B6, each are beneficial for anxiety, skin conditions and liver health. Bananas do, however, contain a fair amount of sugar and so should be fed sparingly. If your dog likes them, they could act as a great squishy alternative to cheese for hiding tablets!

Can dogs eat bee pollen?

Yes, bee pollen is safe for your dog to eat. While it is a food type in some respects – mainly because it really is so nutritious – ultimately, it is a supplement.

You can add bee pollen to your dog’s food as an antioxidant, anti-microbial supplement. It’s also known as a liver protectant, boosting the function of your dog’s liver. A medium-sized dog could have around ½ teaspoon. It is safe for them to have a bit more, but recommended amounts are typically around this dosage.

Can my dog eat beef ribs?

Yes, beef ribs are safe for your dog to eat. Dogs benefit from raw bones, but must never eat cooked beef rib bones. 

Cooked bone is dry, often brittle, known to cause digestive issues and may even damage your dog’s mouth. Raw bones, however, are full of moisture, chewy, flexible and have been part of wild dog diets since the dawn of evolution.

Raw dog food diets will often have raw beef rib bones included, and many dogs on this diet swallow raw bones whole. Typically, this is safe and makes digestion easier as dogs do not have digestive enzymes in the mouth as we do; for dogs, digestion begins in the stomach. A dog’s oesophagus is designed to stretch and cope with smaller raw meaty bones.

Larger bones, such as beef ribs then become leisurely, chewing bones rather than meal bones. If your dog has eaten cooked rib bones of any kind, perhaps stolen from a leftover garden BBQ plate, you must keep an eye on them and call your vet if you are worried.

Can my dog eat beetroot?

Yes, beetroot is safe for your dog to eat. However, it would need to be cooked if included as part of a meal.

Due to its starchy, sugary makeup, we recommend that you only give beetroot to your dog in small amounts.

Can dogs eat biscuits?

No, biscuits are not safe for your dog to eat. 

The ingredients that make up biscuits are not good for dogs: dairy, wheat, grains, sugars or sweeteners. The final product contains saturated and heat-altered fats that can contribute to inflammation, yeasts, skin and joint issues.

The high sugar content in biscuits can upset your dog’s blood sugar levels and lead to behavioural problems, high-energy and even aggression in some dogs.

As we humans look for alternatives to sugar, many biscuits are being created with sweeteners instead of sugars, and some of these sweeteners are toxic to dogs.

With the vast range of dehydrated meat-based, super healthy treats available for dogs nowadays, there is simply no need to take the risk with food items like biscuits.

Even biscuits labelled “for dogs” can have many grain-based ingredients that contribute to blood sugar imbalances, inflammation and yeast infections. Bonio might be iconic, but it’s not nutritious.

Can my dog eat blackcurrants?

No, blackcurrants are not safe for your dog to eat.

Blackcurrants are in the grape family, and while we have not read definitive science that says they are toxic, we know that they contain compounds that can negatively impact a dog’s kidneys.

A more beneficial option would be blackberries or blueberries, which are both safe and nutritious for dogs.

Can dogs eat blackberries?

Yes, blackberries are safe for your dog to eat. Many dog owners will notice their dogs picking them in the autumn months from hedgerows.

Blackberries contain a good amount of the mineral manganese, which is partly how they get their rich dark colour.

Extra natural manganese is useful If your dog has skin ailments, digestive complaints, anxiety, or needs a boost to their bone growth. As with many berries, blackberries are also a prebiotic, supporting the balance of the microbiome in your dog’s digestive system. Depending on the size of your dog, a few (or a handful) can be added to your dog’s food bowl and given daily.

Can dogs eat blueberries?

Yes, blueberries are safe for your dog to eat. They are, in fact, one of the better fruits that you could add to a dog’s meals.

Blueberries are a wonderful prebiotic, helping to support and balance your dog’s microbiome. Depending on the size of your dog, you could add a few (or a handful) to their food bowl daily. Blueberries have a good amount of vitamins K, C and manganese; all super for boosting and repairing the digestive system.

Finally, they are packed with  antioxidants that can help with repair and oxidative stress linked to ageing and/or high activity.

Can dogs eat bones?

Yes, bones are safe for your dog to eat. However, dogs must never eat cooked bones.

Cooked bone is dry, often brittle, known to cause digestive issues and may even damage your dog’s mouth. Raw bones are full of moisture, chewy, flexible and have been part of wild dog diets since the dawn of evolution.

When fed a raw diet, dogs often have raw meaty bones included. Many dogs on this diet swallow smaller raw bones whole – simply gulping them. See our beef ribs example above for why this can be beneficial for a dog’s digestive system.

We’ve written extensively on feeding bones to dogs for you to learn more about adding bones to your dog’s diet.

Discover our ostrich bones for dogs.

Can dogs eat brazil nuts?

Yes, brazil nuts are safe for your dog to eat. However, they should be crushed or powdered.

This is due to the risk of choking or intestinal blockage if they are fed whole.

Some brands of brazil nuts also have a mould toxin called aflatoxin, which is not ideal for a dog to eat and can contribute to skin issues, nausea or even – in extreme circumstances – seizures. The mould is all down to the storage, which, as the end buyer, is difficult to predict.

If they have been kept in an appropriate way, with no aflatoxin growth, then crushed brazil nuts or powder can provide useful additional fatty acids and a good amount of selenium, which is often deficient in dogs’ diets.

Brazil nuts also contain lots of magnesium, as well as iron and calcium.

Can dogs eat bread?

Yes, dogs can eat bread, it isn’t toxic, but it is not something we would recommend. 

Most breads and toasted versions contain wheat, gluten, and preservatives, which can cause inflammation and allergy symptoms in dogs. It also has no nutritional value, and high in carbohydrates, which can lead to weight gain in dogs.

Can dogs eat Brussels sprouts?

Yes, Brussels sprouts are safe for your dog to eat. 

As with all vegetables, dogs will usually digest them better if they are diced or lightly cooked. They can safely be given regularly.

High in vitamins C and K, Brussels sprouts are great for your dog’s immune system, blood clotting and bone health. The high vitamin C content also ensures your dog can absorb lots of iron from the meat they eat.

Brussels sprouts are one of the best plant sources of omega 3 fatty acids too, which, coupled with their antioxidant content, makes them great for reducing inflammation. However, they have a high sulphur content, which may cause gas in some dogs.

Can my dog eat broccoli?

Yes, broccoli is safe for your dog to eat.

Broccoli is one of the most nutritious vegetables available. Feed broccoli cooked as an addition to meals to add lots of nutrients, including vitamin C and vitamin K.

One of the best things about broccoli is that its bioactive compounds, like kaempferol, are proven to reduce inflammation and protect cells from damage.

Its increased vitamin C content can also help dogs experiencing anxiety or stress or those recovering from an injury.

Can dogs eat butternut squash?

Yes, butternut squash is safe for your dog to eat. 

Cooked butternut squash can be used as an alternative to pumpkin in balancing out digestive issues, such as constipation or loose stools.

Butternut squash is high in vitamin A and fibre, and also has useful amounts of B vitamins (including B1 and B6), as well as the minerals magnesium and manganese.


Can my dog eat cabbage?

Yes, cabbage is safe for your dog to eat.

Whether cooked or raw, cabbage is safe for your dog to eat. Cabbage is also beneficial for your dog when it is fermented into Sauerkraut.

Sauerkraut made with green cabbage (without vinegar) has been shown to act as a natural probiotic, supporting the balance of your dog’s microbiome and potentially soothing digestive issues. It is also one of the best sources of vitamin C. Sauerkraut is fairly easily made at home with green cabbage or found ready-made from health food stores.

Can my dog eat carrots?

Yes, carrots are safe for your dog to eat.

Carrots are safe and nutritious for dogs. However, they are a starchy, more sugary vegetable, and so should be fed in moderation if given as an everyday food item.

Carrots contain lots of the antioxidant beta carotene which converts to vitamin A; a necessary nutrient for healthy skin and mucous membranes. Some dogs enjoy carrots raw as a treat to chomp on. They will be better digested if lightly cooked or finely chopped.

Can I give my dog cake?

No, cake is not safe for your dog to eat.

The ingredients that make up cakes are not good for dogs: dairy, wheat, grains, sugars or sweeteners. Cake can upset your dog’s blood sugar levels and lead to behavioural problems, hyperactivity and even aggression. Some sugar-substitute sweeteners are toxic to dogs.

Nowadays, with the vast range of dehydrated meat-based, super healthy treats available for dogs, there is simply no need to take the risk with (ultra-)processed foodstuffs like cake.

Nutritious treats designed especially for dogs, such as kangaroo jerky, are a far better reward than cake for dogs.

Can dogs eat cashew nuts?

Yes, cashews are safe for your dog to eat. However, they should be crushed or powdered.

Cashews are safe for dogs to eat, but there is a risk of choking or intestinal blockage if they are fed whole.

Cashews are, technically, a type of seed which are typically more easily digested due to their softness. Some brands of cashews might contain a mould toxin called aflatoxin, which is not ideal for a dog to eat and can contribute to skin issues, nausea, or in extreme cases, seizures.

Outside of aflatoxin growth, cashews can provide additional beneficial fatty acids and lots of magnesium. Magnesium works with calcium in both skeletal building and the immune response.

Can dogs eat cauliflower?

Yes, cauliflower is safe for your dog to eat.

Cauliflower is safe for dogs to eat cooked, though steaming is best to retain its nutritional benefits. Cauliflower is high in vitamins B, C and K.

Cauliflower is packed with useful compounds, such as antioxidant carotenoids and glucosinolates. In fact, the antioxidants in cauliflower have even been shown to offer anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory effects.

Why not try offering some to your dog at least once a week?

Can dogs eat celery?

Yes, celery is safe for your dog to eat. 

Celery is high in water content, making it a practical treat or meal addition for your dog in the summer months – providing hydration and nutrition at the same time. It also contributes to fresher breath, which is always a welcome bonus!

This salad vegetable has small amounts of the minerals magnesium, manganese and even calcium, as well as B vitamins and a decent amount of vitamin K.

Celery can also aid with inflammation, thanks to the 20-plus anti-inflammatory compounds it contains. Moreover, as celery is water rich , it can be safely eaten raw. Cooked celery is ok too, but would be significantly less nutritious.

Can dogs eat cheese?

Yes, cheese is safe for your dog to eat as a very occasional treat.

However, while not toxic to dogs, cheese – particularly cheese derived from cows’ milk – is not ideal for them due to the potential inclusion of growth hormones and residual antibiotics. It also contains lactose, which some dogs can struggle to process.

Cheese is often high in saturated fats, which your dog cannot efficiently extract energy from, so should never be fed as a diet staple. Cheese occasionally used as a high-value find during scent training or scent games, may be ok for most dogs.

Can my dog eat cherries?

No, cherries are not safe for your dog to eat. Their stones are high in cyanide, with the flesh also containing traces of the same toxic compounds.

Your dog should be fine if they eat the odd cherry without the stone, but if they were to eat a handful, make sure you keep an eye on them and have your vet’s number handy!

Can I give my dog chicken bones?

Yes, raw chicken bones are safe for your dog to eat. However, they must never eat cooked chicken bones.

Cooked chicken bones are dry and especially brittle as they have many air pockets inside that support the bird in flight. In fact, cooked bones of all kinds are known to cause digestive issues and may even damage your dog’s mouth.

Try not to worry if your dog swallows raw chicken wings whole, as it can make digestion easier. Dogs’ oesophagi are meant to stretch to cope with smaller raw meaty bones like chicken wings.

Read more about feeding bones to dogs safely in our guide.

Can dogs eat chickpeas?

Yes, chickpeas are safe for your dog to eat but are not an ideal diet staple.

Chickpeas are legumes that are hard for a dog to digest because they contain lectins. They also fall short on quite a few of the amino acids that dogs need, so they wouldn’t be sufficient as a protein source alone.

Chickpeas and chickpea flour are better swapped with complete, animal-based proteins.

Read more about canine-friendly protein sources and why dogs need meat.

Can dogs eat chilli peppers?

No, chilli peppers are not safe for your dog to eat.

While chilli peppers are not poisonous to dogs, they are unsafe due to the irritation they can cause to a dog’s gut. They contain the compound capsaicin, which is often too overpowering for a dog’s digestive tract.

Most dogs likely wouldn’t eat a chilli pepper alone, but if your dog has eaten some – perhaps mixed in with scraps – it may be worth keeping an eye on them and ringing your vet if you become concerned.

Ornamental peppers, often grown and safe to consume, by humans are also unsafe for dogs. These contain a compound called Solanaceae which can be toxic to dogs.

Can dogs eat chocolate?

No, chocolate is not safe for your dog to eat and can even be toxic in certain doses. 

While every dog is different, the darker the chocolate the higher the risk of poisoning, vomiting, seizures and kidney problems.

If your dog has eaten chocolate, we urge you to contact your vet.

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Can my dog eat Chorizo?

No, chorizo is not safe for dogs to eat.

Chorizo is processed meat cured with salt, and contains spices like paprika, and onion powder which is toxic to your dog.

Can dogs eat Christmas pudding?

No, Christmas pudding is not safe for your dog to eat. If it contains dried fruits, like raisins and currants, it could even cause your dog severe kidney issues.

Christmas pudding also usually contains wheat or cereal flour and sugar, which are to be avoided by dogs too; not to mention the alcohol content often present!

Please contact your vet if your dog has eaten your Christmas pudding this year!

Can dogs eat coconut?

Yes, coconut is safe for your dog to eat. 

Coconut flesh, milk, juice and oil are all safe for dogs. The natural flesh can be a fun addition to your dog’s diet rather than an everyday part of their meal – although you should avoid sugared or sweetened versions.

Coconut water is also safe for dogs and contains many nutrients, including potassium, manganese, natural sodium and electrolytes to support hydration. Dogs do not need very much to benefit, and over-consumption could lead to vomiting.

Coconut oil is perhaps the best known and most useful part of a coconut for your dog. The oil contains antimicrobial compounds, including lauric acid, which can boost healing of skin issues when used daily – both topically and in the diet.

Many dogs enjoy coconut so much that they will lick it off a spoon, which can be more fun than simply adding it to their bowl!

Can dogs drink coffee or tea?

No, coffee and tea are not safe for your dog to drink. 

While these drinks might not be toxic for dogs, and they may appear to sometimes enjoy the taste of a cuppa, they can cause digestive upsets and contribute to adrenal fatigue.

It is not recommended to give dogs caffeine full-stop, as it could lead to dehydration. Even caffeine-free teas and coffees, which can contain residual caffeine, should be avoided.

Can dogs eat courgette (zucchini)?

Yes, courgette is safe for your dog to eat. 

From the same family as cucumbers, courgettes also contain a lot of water, making them easier for a dog to digest than some vegetables.

If fed lightly cooked, courgettes can provide useful amounts of vitamin C for your dog, supporting injury recovery or during times of stress. Courgettes also contain vitamin A, B vitamins, and many minerals, including manganese, phosphorus, copper and potassium.

While courgettes are safe for dogs to eat, they do not contain as many nutrients for dogs as other green vegetables.

Can dogs eat cranberries?

Yes, cranberries are safe for your dog to eat. In fact, they are one of the best berries for dogs to eat.

Cranberries are unusual because they contain an abundance of specific antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds, support heart and kidney health, and can even function as a minor antihistamine.

Some of the compounds they contain also act to prevent bacteria such as e.coli from affecting your dog’s bladder and urinary tract, and are also wonderful for relieving urinary tract infections (UTIs).

Cranberry powder is a practical way to add a higher amount of medicinal value to your dog’s diet. Cranberry sauce is safe in small amounts (but often contains unhealthy amounts of sugar, which is better avoided).

Lastly, cranberry juice is often high in sugar and lower in overall nutrition and so is the least beneficial form of cranberry for your dog.

Can dogs eat crisps?

No, crisps are not safe for your dog to eat. 

Crisps are not ideal for dogs. Some may contain enough salt to upset your dog’s digestive system or even affect their kidneys.

The odd, accidentally fed or found crisp is unlikely to cause such issues. Nonetheless, crisps contain heat-altered fats called trans-fats that can lead to inflammation, digestive issues, and uncomfortable skin conditions.

Many dogs fed a diet of processed foods become used to sodium and similar flavourings to crisps that are added to pet foods. This naturally leads them to crave crisps but is not a sign they need them.

It is best not to begin feeding your dog crisps to prevent them from craving these often unhealthy additives.

Can dogs eat custard apples (cherimoya)?

Yes, the flesh of the cherimoya fruit is safe for your dog to eat. However, its seeds are poisonous to dogs and even to humans.

The flesh has a creamy texture which is where its “custard apple” alias comes from. Cherimoya contains a lot of carbohydrate (mostly sugar) and so isn’t an ideal food for dogs.

If your dog manages to eat custard apple seeds, we would recommend calling your vet.

Can dogs eat cucumbers?

Yes, cucumbers are safe for your dog to eat. They are best for them when eaten raw. 

Cucumbers are one of the better anti-inflammatory salad vegetables dogs can eat. Not only do cucumbers provide wonderful hydration for dogs, but they also contain many phytochemicals such as ligands, flavonoids and triterpenes, which have been shown to positively influence inflammation and inflammatory conditions (such as digestive complaints or itchy skin).

It is safe to add cucumber to a dog’s meal every day for overall well being or as a vitamin-rich treat.


Can dogs eat dragon fruit?

Yes, dragon fruit is safe for your dog to eat. However, it’s best to avoid the outer skin.

Dogs can eat the flesh of the dragon fruit and unusually, its seeds, too. While not overly rich with vitamin C, dragon fruit provides many other nutrients, including useful amounts of magnesium, a vital mineral for many aspects of health.

The seeds of a dragon fruit can provide beneficial fatty acids that are great for skin and joint health. Dragon fruit is also a great prebiotic for your dog, with studies showing its potential in supporting the gut microbiome in dogs.

Your dog could enjoy dragon fruit a couple of times a week.

Can dogs eat durian?

Yes, durian is safe for your dog to eat. However, the seeds and rind are not good for them. The seed is more like a stone in size and easily removed.

Despite its slightly off-putting smell, durian is incredibly nutritious. It contains rich amounts of B vitamins – B1, B2, B3, B6 & B9 – as well as magnesium, manganese, potassium and vitamin C.

If your dog likes this fruit, you can add this once a week or so as a treat/snack or for some added variety in their meals.


Can dogs eat edamame?

Yes, edamame is safe for your dog to eat.

However, soya is often genetically modified and so edamame (which are simply young soya beans) may be better avoided unless you know they are organic.

Broccoli and kale are better green vegetable options for your dog.

Can dogs eat eggs?

Yes, eggs are safe for your dog to eat; both the egg white and the yolk.

Raw eggs can be fed to your dog as part of a raw diet. Packed with vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A, B12, folate, iron, selenium, and riboflavin, and also a great source of protein and healthy fats, means eggs are incredibly nutritious. Even the shell has benefits, being packed with calcium.

However, if your dog has shown intolerances to certain poultry, they might also be allergic to their eggs . For instance, most shop bought eggs are from chickens, so dogs with chicken allergies might also be allergic to their eggs. This isn’t always the case, but potentially can be.

Eggs cooked with milk or even butter are still safe for dogs; however, if you are cooking the egg specifically for them you do not need to add those ingredients. In fact, it is often better not to do so.

Why not look for eggs from different birds, such as quail, duck or goose, to introduce different nutrition to your dog?

Can my dog eat elderberries?

Yes, small amounts of ripe, black or purple elderberries are safe for your dog to eat.

Too many elderberries, however, may cause vomiting, as unripe berries or any other part of the plant (such as the leaves) are not safe for dogs.

As there are many other useful, safe berries for dogs, it is better to leave elderberries out of your dog’s diet.

Can my dog eat escargot (snails)?

No, escargot is not safe for your dog to eat.

While cooked, food-raised escargot should be safe for your dog to eat, the risk with snails is that they could potentially contribute to lungworm. Ultimately, cooked or not, snails are probably best avoided.


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Can my dog eat fennel?

Yes, fennel is safe for your dog to eatDespite looking a bit like an onion, fennel is actually good for dogs to eat – if they like it!

Fennel has quite a pungent liquorice-like flavour that may put dogs off eating it.

Fennel seeds are of the most use to your dog. They are fantastic for relieving digestive discomfort and have strong anti-inflammatory properties. A couple of teaspoons of these can be made into a tea, strained and given for your dog to lap up. They can also be added directly to food to help with gas or digestive discomfort.

To fully benefit from the medicinal herbal support of fennel seeds we recommend that you speak to a veterinary herbalist.

Can dogs eat figs?

Yes, fig fruits are safe for your dog to eat. However, avoid the plant’s leaves or stem.

As with many fruits, figs are relatively high in sugars and so might be best used as an occasional treat rather than as a meal addition.

Figs can occasionally be used to help relieve constipated dogs. Your dog would only need one or two for this support. However, cooked pumpkin is thought to be a better laxative food.


Can my dog eat Gammon?

No, gammon is not safe for dogs to eat.

Gammon is cured with salt, and high in fat, which when cooked increases the risk of digestive issues, and pancreatitis.

Can dogs eat garlic?

Yes, garlic is safe for your dog to eat in small, medicinal doses.

Garlic is a well-known, natural antibiotic and prebiotic, meaning it will help to balance your dog’s microbiome, helping simultaneously to reduce harmful bacteria while supporting the growth of beneficial bacteria. Further, garlic is sometimes used as a blood purifier to put off biting insects, such as fleas and ticks.

We recommend you speak to a veterinary herbalist about dosages for specific antibiotic requirements. However, safe amounts tend to be around ¼ of a clove for a toy or small dog (4-7kg), ½ a clove for a medium dog (5-18kg) and one clove (not bulb!) for a larger dog (20kg and up).

To ensure it is of the most use as an antibiotic, garlic is better fed as needed rather than given every day.

Can dogs eat ginger?

Yes, ginger is safe for your dog to eat. However, it is better utilised as a herbal remedy than as a food.

Most dog owners know that ginger is useful for nausea and motion sickness and so can be helpful for car travel.

The safest amount of minced, or very finely chopped, ginger to add to your dog’s food is around ¼ of a teaspoon for a toy or small dog (4-7kg), ½ teaspoon for a medium dog (5-18kg) and ¾ teaspoon for a larger dog (20kg and up).

Many studies have shown ginger to be both anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer, so the herb is worth looking into. A veterinary herbalist can further support you with specific doses for ailments.

Can dogs eat goji berries?

Yes, goji berries are safe for your dog to eat. These are also known as wolfberries, although nobody seems to know why!

These berries are high in vitamin A, B2, iron and copper, as well as zinc, potassium and vitamin C. Unusually for berries, they also contain a decent amount of selenium, a mineral important for immune system health and brain function.

Goji berries are also packed with antioxidants. For dogs, it is always better to provide the real berries rather than the dried versions, which have a higher sugar content per gram. However, as these berries are often difficult to buy whole, you could consider a powder.

Goji berries are known as a superfood, abundant in phytonutrients. These berries are a beneficial complement to a dog’s diet. Use common sense to provide a small amount of the powder to meals depending on their size, a few times a week (or as directed by a canine health professional).

Can dogs eat gooseberries?

No, gooseberries are not safe for your dog to eat.

If your dog has eaten more than two gooseberries and is vomiting or appears otherwise lethargic, please contact your vet.

Can dogs eat grapefruit?

Yes, grapefruit is safe for your dog to eat. However, due to its acidity, too much could cause digestive upset.

Grapefruit is high in sugar, so is not ideal for dogs, and the bitter taste is likely to put dogs off anyway.

Can dogs eat grapes?

No, grapes are not safe for your dog to eat. They contain a compound that affects their kidneys – even one grape can be bad for your dog.

The severity of ill effects depends on the dog’s size, the number of grapes they have eaten, and general health. In any event, your dog is likely to vomit after eating grapes initially but could go on to suffer seizures.

We suggest calling your vet if you are worried that your dog has consumed grapes, raisins or sultanas.

Can my dog eat gravy?

Yes, gravy is safe for your dog to eat in small amounts. However, many gravies often contain ingredients that are not great for them to eat or drink in volume.

Salt levels are often high in gravy. Instant gravy also often contains wheat, preservatives and colourings, onion, and even wine, all of which should be avoided.

A healthy, dog-friendly alternative to gravy is bone broth. Rich in minerals and vitamins, a good quality bone broth will add moisture to your dog’s food alongside gut-enriching nourishment.

Can dogs eat green beans?

Yes, green beans are safe for your dog to eat. However, they will be easier to digest if you cook them before feeding.

Like many green vegetables, green beans contain good amounts of vitamins C, A and B9 (folate), which your dog’s body needs for healthy red blood cells and to convert any carbohydrate they may eat – such as those in vegetables – into useable energy.

Green beans also contain a good amount of both calcium and magnesium, two minerals that work together to support healthy joints, immune and nervous systems.

Can dogs eat guava?

Yes, the flesh of guava fruit is safe for dogs to eat. However, you should avoid feeding them guava skin, peel or pips.

Guava contains one of the highest amounts of vitamin C in a fruit, which can be helpful for dogs if they are under stress or healing from an injury.

Vitamin C is also involved in collagen repair, so it is also very useful for dogs with skin ailments.

Your dog only needs a few cubes of guava now and again in order to benefit from it.


Can my dog eat Cured ham?

No, cured ham is not safe for dogs to eat.

Cured ham usually contains brine, sugar, salt or chemical preservatives which are not good for your dog.

Can my dog eat ham?

No, ham is not safe for dogs to eat. Although the occasional small bit isn’t going to cause any issues to a healthy dog, shop bought ham is generally full of nitrates and sodium, which is not good for your dog. 

Best avoided as processed pork, and other more beneficial healthy meats available.

Can dogs eat halloumi?

Yes, halloumi is safe for your dog to eat but can be high in salt, so keep an eye on your dog’s thirst if they do eat some.

Halloumi is traditionally made from sheep’s milk, but most supermarket halloumi is made from cows’ milk or a combination, which is worth noting should your dog suffer from dairy allergies or intolerances.

As a cheese, halloumi is best fed as an occasional treat, not a diet staple. A Yak bar is a better calcium rich option and certainly a longer lasting reward for dogs.

Can dogs eat haricot beans?

Yes, haricot beans are safe for your dog to eat, although they hold little nutritional value to a dog.

Haricot beans are better left for species that enjoy them as part of their diet. If they are fed, however, they should first be cooked, as it is unlikely that your dog could digest them raw.

Can my dog eat hazelnuts?

Yes, hazelnuts are safe for your dog to eat. However, they should be crushed or powdered, as there is a risk of choking or intestinal blockage if they are fed whole.

Some brands of nuts also have a mould toxin called aflatoxin, which is not ideal for a dog to eat and can contribute to skin issues, nausea or, in extreme cases, seizures.

Hazelnuts with no aflatoxin growth, either powdered or crushed, can provide useful additional fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.

Can my dog eat honey?

Yes, honey in small doses is safe for dogs to eat, but not for diabetic dogs or puppies under 12 months of age. 

However, while honey is a healthier version of sugar, it is still sugar.

Manuka honey is wonderful for skin healing and safe if a dog licks it. It would be worth asking your herbal vet about using it if your dog has an ulcer or wound that is proving tricky to heal.

Be wary, however, the majority of supermarket honey is created by forcing queen bees to procreate and feeding worker bees sugars instead of the honey they need to be healthy. Ultimately, we love nature, and nature really needs healthy bees to survive, so please try and buy honey from responsible sources if you do buy it for you or your dog.

Can my dog eat Parma ham?

No, parma ham is not safe for dogs to eat.

Parma ham is a cured, processed meat high in sodium, so not advised to feed your dog

Can my dog eat Serrano ham?

No, serrano ham is not safe for dogs to eat. Serrano ham is usually loaded with nitrates, seasoning and sodium, so not suitable for dogs.

Cooked / dried Serrano ham bones are popular, but prone to splintering, so best avoided.


Can my dog eat ice cream?

No, ice cream is not safe for your dog to eat. 

Ice cream is usually packed with fat, sugars and/or sweeteners and so is not recommended unless it has been specially formulated for dogs.

As a dairy product, ice cream is not toxic to dogs, but they will likely find the dairy proteins and sugars (namely lactose) hard to digest.

Dog ice creams, on the other hand, are usually created with potato starches or coconut oil and some kind of natural flavourings. Do check the ingredients for any potential intolerances your dog may have.

For a dog-friendly alternative, freezing goat’s milk kefir in an ice cube tray makes for a cooling, gut nourishing alternative to ice cream. For more refreshing treat inspiration, read our paw treat recipes.

Can I give my dog an ice lolly?

No, ice lollies are not safe for your dog to eat. 

However, you could create dog-friendly ice lollies from liquids they find delicious, such as bone broth or goat’s milk kefir.

Most ice lollies have flavourings, and some have sweeteners that can even be toxic to dogs, like xylitol.

Learn more tips for keeping dogs cool in the summer in our guide.

Can my dog eat icing?

No, icing is not safe for your dog to eat. Cake icing is mainly made of sugar, and so is not suitable for dogs.

While a small amount should not be toxic, it could cause blood sugar elevations and crashes, leading to physical and/or behavioural issues. Food items such as icing can also contribute to weight gain and unnecessary strain on internal organs like the pancreas.

Can my dog eat inca berries?

Yes, inca berries are safe for your dog to eat, but only one or two and should not be given frequently or as part of a meal. 

These berries are most commonly seen as a side garnish on restaurant desserts – the round orange fruit with the pale, almost see-through leaf still attached to them.

They are part of the nightshade family and not a true berry. While they do contain carotenoids and vitamins, your dog can get these nutrients from more appropriate, true berries, such as blueberries, raspberries or strawberries.


Can dogs eat jackfruit?

No, jackfruit is not safe for your dog to eat. While jackfruit flesh is not considered toxic to dogs, it is recommended this fruit is not part of their diet.

Both the seeds and rind of jackfruit are toxic, and much of the jackfruit flesh available is flavoured to suit our human tastes – these flavourings could also potentially be upsetting for your dog.

Jackfruit is simply a fruit better avoided by dogs.

Can I give my dog jam?

Yes, a small amount of jam is safe for your dog to eat, provided the fruit used to create it is safe for dogs to eat. Please do refer to the fruits listed in this directory.

However, jam is typically packed with sugar and sometimes sweeteners, so is generally not good for dogs to eat. If they (accidentally) ate a little jam made from a safe fruit, it is unlikely that they would become poorly.

Can my dog eat jelly?

No, jelly is not safe for your dog to eat.

Jelly is typically packed with sugar and also often made with added sweeteners, some of which can be toxic to dogs.

If the jelly is sweetener free and made with sugar instead, it is likely to be far too high in sugar for your dog. Excess sugars can contribute to weight gain and put a strain on the pancreas.

Can my dog eat jelly beans?

No, jelly beans are not safe for your dog to eat.

Like jelly above, dogs should not eat jelly beans as they are typically full of sugar and unhealthy additives, some of which can be toxic to dogs (particularly xylitol).


Can my dog eat kale?

Yes, kale is safe for your dog to eat. In fact, it’s one of the best leafy green vegetables that you could add to your dog’s bowl.

Kale highlights include a wonderfully nourishing amount of vitamin A and vitamin C. Further, vitamin K makes kale a brilliant vegetable to add to your dog’s meals if they have any kind of constipation issues, as vitamin K is required for large intestine health and stool movement.

Kale also contains the flavonoid quercetin, a known anti-histamine as well as the anti-cancer compounds sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol.

Finely chop and cook kale before feeding it to your dog. Try to remove the harder stems too, which can be tougher for your dog to digest even when the vegetable is cooked.

Can dogs drink kefir?

Yes, kefir is safe for your dog to drink. In fact, kefir is a great way to introduce your dog to lots of beneficial probiotics. 

Goat kefir is much easier for your dog to digest than cow’s milk versions.

Some people worry about the histamine levels in fermented products like kefir, but this should only be an issue if your dog is intolerant to histamine. Around 15% of dogs with skin or allergy symptoms also have a histamine intolerance.

For the remaining 85% of dogs with skin ailments – and even dogs showing no skin issues – kefir can be beneficial. You can use it both as a topical skin lotion and as a food to boost beneficial gut bacteria.

Can dogs eat ketchup?

No, ketchup is not safe for your dog to eat. While ketchup is not toxic to dogs, it could cause stomach upsets.

The ingredients in ketchup are individually not ideal for dogs.

Ketchup is usually made with tomatoes, sugar, salt and other flavourings. Occasionally, ketchups contain onions (which are toxic to dogs).

If your dog has consumed ketchup recently, do check its ingredients and, if you are concerned, contact your vet.

Can dogs eat kidney beans?

Yes, cooked kidney beans are safe for your dog to eat. However, raw kidney beans contain phytohemagglutinin which can be toxic to dogs.

Usually kidney beans are not needed as a food for your dog unless you are attempting to feed them vegan proteins. Kidney beans fall short on quite a few of the amino acids dogs need, making them insufficient as a protein source.

Complete proteins that are most easily assimilated by dogs’ digestive systems come from animal sources —learn more here.

Can dogs eat kiwifruit?

Yes, kiwifruit is safe for your dog to eat.

While kiwifruit is also known as Chinese gooseberries, unlike gooseberries (which are not good for dogs), kiwifruit is safe for dogs to eat.

Kiwifruit has high vitamin content and can really provide a boost in nutrition for your dog if they like them.

They contain high amounts of antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin, which are great for eyesight. They also contain folate, potassium and vitamin K and are water rich. This makes them great as summer treats to improve hydration, or during cold winters when our central heating systems are higher.

Kiwifruit contains lots of sugar, so it isn’t recommended to be fed every day. Twice a week should be plenty!

Benefits of Raw Dog Food

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Can dogs eat lamb ribs?

Yes, lamb ribs are safe for your dog to eat, but raw only. While dogs can benefit from raw lamb bones, they must never eat them cooked.

Larger bones like lamb ribs can be given as leisure, chewing bones rather than meal bones. If your dog has eaten cooked lamb rib bones, perhaps stolen from a leftover garden BBQ plate, you must keep an eye on them and call your vet if you are worried.

Dry, cooked bones can compact in the gut system, causing digestive upsets in ways raw, moisture-rich bones do not. Alternatively, naturally dehydrated lamb’s liver or lamb shoulder strips make nutritious snacks for dogs.

Discover our lamb raw dog food and our lamb bone broth.

Can dogs eat leeks?

No, leeks are not safe for your dog to eat. Leeks are members of the onion family and should not be fed to dogs.

If your dog accidentally eats a small piece of cooked or raw leek, it’s unlikely to cause any issues.

However, any more than that is not a good idea. If this has happened, look out for signs of anaemia, pale gums and vomiting. Call your vet if you are worried.

Can dogs eat lemon?

No, lemon is not safe for your dog to eat.

Lemon is not strictly toxic to dogs but can still cause them to froth or vomit.

Lemon rind is more harmful than its flesh. Despite the lovely high vitamin content, other fruits provide a more beneficial way for dogs to obtain these nutrients.

Can dogs eat lime?

No, lime is not safe for your dog to eat. 

Lime is not good for dogs and can be toxic too, with the rind being more toxic than the flesh. If your dog has eaten lime, you must keep an eye on them.

Anything more than an accidental slice and you may need to contact your vet. The compounds in sour fruits called psoralen are known toxins to dogs.

Can dogs eat lettuce?

Yes, Little Gem, Romaine, and Iceberg lettuce are safe for your dog to eat.

Lettuce doesn’t contain many useful nutrients for a dog, however, and so is not of much value as an addition to their food bowl.

The main components of lettuce are water and vitamin A, which your dog can better obtain from other sources.

Can dogs eat liquorice?

Yes, liquorice is safe for your dog to eat, but in small amounts only. Liquorice contains a compound called glycyrrhizin, which can cause vomiting and kidney issues if consumed in large quantities.

Please call your vet if your dog has eaten a large volume of liquorice. The odd accidental sweet, however, shouldn’t cause issues.


Can dogs eat macadamia nuts?

No, macadamia nuts are not safe for your dog to eat due to their toxicity. 

As well as a potential risk of choking or digestive blockage, these nuts contain compounds which cause vomiting, weakness, muscle tremors and fever in dogs. Dogs should not be given macadamia nuts.

It is recommended that you contact your vet if you suspect your dog has eaten any.

Can dogs eat mackerel?

Yes, mackerel is safe for your dog to eat.

Raw or cooked mackerel is safe to feed to dogs, as are the bones (raw or cooked). However, when feeding any raw fish, including mackerel, it must first be frozen for at least 24 hours to kill off any potential bacteria or parasites. Some people even prefer to freeze it for a few days, just to be sure.

The best type of mackerel is from the North Atlantic, which tends to have lower mercury content. These days, mercury is relatively high in fish, so if your dog likes mackerel, you might consider feeding it just once a week.

Many dog owners feed oily fish such as mackerel for the omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin B12, both of which are abundant in this fish. B12 supports stomach function, red blood cells and helps provide energy.

Can dogs eat mango?

Yes, mango is safe for your dog to eat. A few cubes or slices will provide your dog with lots of vitamin C.

Dogs can make their own vitamin C, but they often need extra if they are recovering from stressful situations, an injury, or have simply had an over-active day!

Mango is also higher in copper than many other fruits, helping to ensure your dog gets enough of this essential mineral.

Can dogs eat mangosteen?

Yes, mangosteen is safe for your dog to eat, but only the flesh. The rind or skin is too hard to be digested and may cause intestinal blockages.

Mangosteen has been hailed as something of a superfood for people and is often sold in juices in health food stores. While it contains lots of vitamins, its content is lower in comparison to many other fruits.

Mangosteen’s magic comes from antioxidant compounds called xanthones, which have been shown to reduce inflammation and have anti-cancer effects in people. Mangosteen’s sugar content is a little too high for dogs to eat regularly, but an occasional snack should be safe.

Can dogs eat melon?

Yes, melon is safe for your dog to eat; watermelon, honeydew, and cantaloupe, too.

Melon is known to contain compounds called cucurbitacin, which support natural worming. Also, like many fruits, melons contain lots of the helpful vitamins, A and C.

They are not, however, ideal for everyday inclusion in your dog’s dinners, as they are also quite high in natural sugars. Instead, feed a few cubes of melon once or twice a week, alongside pumpkin seeds and cucumber, as part of your dog’s natural anthelmintic, anti-worm protocol.

Can I give my dog mince pies?

No, mince pies are not safe for your dog to eat.

If they contain dried fruits like raisins and currants, mince pies can cause severe kidney issues, with around 6 raisins per kg of body weight deemed to be problematic.

Mince pies also usually contain wheat flour and large amounts of sugar, which dogs should avoid.

Please contact your vet if your dog has eaten your mince pies this year!

Can dogs drink milk?

No, milk is not safe for your dog to drink.

Whilst it isn’t toxic for dogs, it does have several drawbacks for them. Milk, especially from cows, is ultimately questionable for all animals except the animal nature designed it for; the baby cow. This study shows cow’s milk often contains growth hormones, pus molecules, and even residual antibiotics.

Additionally, some dogs struggle to break down the lactose found in cow’s milk. Dairy from goats or sheep has a different composition which means they are better digested by dogs than dairy from cows. Organic goat milk and goat kefir products are a very useful alternative to cow’s milk for dogs.

Can dogs eat mulberries?

Yes, mulberries are safe for your dog to eat. However, they must be ripe and only given in small quantities, as dogs can suffer digestive upsets if they eat too many.

The “safe” amount will depend on the size and weight of your dog but a few should be okay in a medium-sized dog.

Unripe mulberries should not be fed to dogs. As there are many great berries for dogs (many mentioned on this page), we recommend avoiding mulberries and feeding berries such as blueberries or raspberries instead.

Can dogs eat mushrooms?

Yes, mushrooms are safe for your dog to eat, but only certain varieties of kitchen-cooked mushrooms. 

Button, chestnut, portobello, porcini, and shiitake mushrooms are all safe for dogs. Wild mushrooms should be considered toxic. Please call your vet if you suspect your dog has eaten wild mushrooms.

In most cases, mushrooms don’t offer a great deal of nutritional benefit unless your dog needs extra vitamin D. Dogs on a raw food diet obtain most of the vitamin D they require from offal ingredients, such as liver.

If your dog cannot have offal or organs, then you can include mushrooms to increase their vitamin D intake. You would need to add quite a few mushrooms to your dog’s diet to reach the target 500iu of Vitamin D per kg of food, but they can be fed every day alongside a supplement. Shiitake mushrooms have the highest vitamin D content: 18iu in 100g.

A simple trick to increase the amount of vitamin D in your mushrooms is to lay them in the sun for a few hours upside down. Mushrooms make vitamin D from sunlight just like we do, and the nutrient value then increases. Studies have shown it goes up over five times as much!


Can I give my dog nachos?

No, nachos are not safe for your dog to eat. 

While a nacho crisp might not be an issue for your dog to eat accidentally, we wouldn’t recommend you feed your dog any processed chips as they often contain wheat, cereals, flavourings and salts.

Moreover, some nacho toppings, like onion, garlic and cheese, could be toxic to dogs or at least cause them digestive upsets.

Can my dog eat naan bread?

No, naan bread is not safe for your dog to eat. It can contain cereals and grains that can compromise your dog’s blood sugar levels and can force their digestive system to work harder than it should.

Naan typically consists of refined grains, usually wheat, which many dogs are intolerant of.

Can dogs eat nectarines?

Yes, nectarines are safe for your dog to eatbut only occasionally. The fruit’s stone should not be fed to dogs, however.

Nectarines contain a lot of natural sugars. If your dog likes this fruit, it is better given as a very occasional treat.

Can dogs eat noodles?

No, noodles are not safe for your dog to eat. 

While plain noodles should be safe for dogs to eat, we would recommend you avoid feeding them to your dog, as their refined grains and cereal content can cause digestive upset(s).

Noodles are predominantly a carbohydrate based food. Carb consumption should be limited in a dog’s diet. Read more about carbohydrates and dogs here.

Can my dog eat nori?

Yes, nori is safe for your dog to eat, but only in small amounts. Larger amounts have been known to block dogs’ intestines as nori can swell in the gut.

This type of seaweed is usually found as flakes or as the rolled flat green outer skin of sushi. Many seaweeds are great for dogs as they are packed with vitamins and minerals, but are often better used as supplements.

Alternatively, our range of all-natural dog supplements provides a convenient way to add extra vitamins and minerals to your dog’s bowl.

Can dogs eat nougat?

No, nougat is not safe for your dog to eat. They could potentially choke on the whole nuts inside it.

The levels of sugars, flavourings and preservatives in nougat are typically  unsuitable for dogs.

Most sweets can dangerously raise your dog’s blood sugar levels, which can lead to behaviour and health challenges. This includes compromising the well-being of your dog’s pancreas, making it work harder than it should to bring down those elevated blood sugar levels.

Can dogs eat Nutella?

No, Nutella is not safe for your dog to eat.

Nutella is not recommended for dogs as the theobromine it contains – a chemical derived from chocolate – is toxic to them.

The amount of sugars, flavourings and preservatives also present in chocolate and sweet spreads, in most cases, tend not to be suitable for dogs.


Can dogs eat oats?

Yes, oats are safe for your dog to eat. They are a different type of grain to wheat or rice that can often be beneficially used in your dog’s diet.

Gluten-free oats are the best type to feed, and best given after they have been soaked in water, as this makes them more digestible. They are particularly beneficial for dogs that need to put on weight, anxious or reactive dogs and those that need help with “hunger puking”. Low glycaemic and contain calming minerals such as magnesium.

Can dogs have olive oil?

Yes, olive oil is safe for your dog to eat. 

There are better oils for dogs, but olive oil has its own set of fatty acids. It can be used in addition to (or instead of) other fatty acid supplements, which can be helpful if your dog cannot eat fish.

The best type of olive oil for dogs  (and yourself!) is extra-virgin olive oil found in dark glass bottles, which prevents the oil from spoiling in heat or light.

Read our complete guide to fats and oils to learn more about the healthiest fats for dogs.

Can dogs eat olives?

Yes, green and black olives are safe for your dog to eat if they haven’t been salted or stuffed/ mixed with something spicy.

Dogs cannot, however, eat the seeds or pips of an olive, so ensure they are removed. Olives are a good source of vitamin E and fatty acids, but while olives are not toxic to dogs, they should be fed in moderation.

Olive oil, discussed above, has a more concentrated amount of the healthy, monounsaturated fatty acids that can support heart health and skin issues.

Can dogs eat omelette?

Yes, omelette is safe for your dog to eat, depending on what else is served with it.

Onions and salty bacon, for example, would both make the omelette a bad idea as they can be toxic to dogs. Cheese could be okay in small amounts, as could tomatoes.

Ultimately, scrambled eggs made without dairy products would be safer and more nutritious for your dog to eat.

Can dogs eat onions?

No, onions are not safe for your dog to eat.

All types of onion can be toxic to dogs as they can reduce dogs’ red blood cell counts and negatively impact their organs. Symptoms of onion toxicity can include lethargy, anaemia (including pale gums), and weakness.

While it is unlikely that your dog would choose to eat onion, do watch out for onions that are included in raw and cooked meat products created for human consumption, such as blended minces, beef burgers, meatballs or sausages.

If you suspect your dog has eaten even a small amount of onion, please contact your vet.

Can dogs eat oregano?

Yes, oregano is safe for your dog to eat. However, it must be avoided by epileptic dogs.

Oregano is a powerful antiviral, anti-fungal, antibacterial, and even anti-parasitic that can be added in small amounts as a dried herb to most dogs’ food.

Do not give your dog oregano tincture without first consulting your vet.

Can my dog eat oysters?

Yes, oysters are safe for your dog to eat. Raw and cooked oysters can be fed to dogs, but the smoked versions are not recommended; these can contain too many flavourings and salts.

Packed with iron, omega fatty acids and selenium, oysters are also known to be rich in zinc and can be a great addition to your dog’s diet if they need extra support for healing skin conditions. Zinc is one of the minerals that needs topping up daily and is pivotal to healthy skin function.

As with all seafood, it is best to freeze raw oysters for at least 24 hours before feeding them to your dog.


Can my dog eat Pancetta?

No, pancetta is not safe for dogs to eat.

Pancetta is cooked pork belly, which is extremely high in fat and salt, and could trigger pancreatitis in your dog.

Can dogs eat papaya?

Yes, papaya flesh is safe for your dog to eat, but the seeds should be removed before giving it to your dog.

Papaya contains many vitamins, including C and A, B5 and B9, and is a great nutrient booster for your dog.

Perhaps the most useful attribute of the papaya is the digestive enzyme it contains, called papain. This enzyme can help dogs to digest proteins, as well as support them with digestive ailments.

You could try feeding your dog a handful of cubed or chopped papaya flesh every other day to support their digestion.

Can dogs eat parsnips?

Yes, parsnips are safe for your dog to eat. However, they will be more easily digested if they are cooked.

Parsnips contain a lot of starch and sugar and should be fed in moderation, and not good for yeasty dogs..

While many other vegetables are more beneficial to dogs, if your dog particularly likes parsnips, they can safely (occasionally) be added to their diet as a treat to chomp on.

Can dogs eat passionfruit?

No, passion fruit is not safe for your dog to eat. Its rind and seeds are both toxic for dogs.

It is quite difficult to separate the seeds from the flesh of the passion fruit, so feeding it to your dog is not advised. Many lovely fruits and vegetables are much better suited to your dog’s needs and diet.

Can dogs eat peaches?

Yes, peaches are safe for your dog to eat. However, they’re high in sugars and can excessively raise your dog’s blood sugar. Never feed your dog peach stones, which can be toxic as well as a choking hazard.

Also, tinned peaches usually contain sugar syrup, which means they are definitely not ideal for dogs.

Can dogs eat peanuts?

No, peanuts are not safe for your dog to eat. 

Peanuts often have mould growth called aflatoxin and contain lectins, which are not ideal for dogs as they can contribute to skin issues, nausea, or in extreme cases, seizures.

Peanut butter is also not safe for dogs, as many versions contain the sweetener xylitol, which is toxic to them. Aflatoxins can also be found in peanut butter. Overall, peanuts are not something we recommend in any form.

Can dogs eat pears?

Yes, pears are safe for your dog to eat. However, pear seeds should be avoided.

A few slices or chunks of pear can be enjoyed by your dog as an occasional snack.

Pears contain antioxidants, useful flavonoid nutrients for anti-inflammation, and their high water content can be refreshing for your dog to eat.

Can dogs eat peas?

Yes, peas are safe for your dog to eat. However, peas are legumes, which are not ideal for dogs.

Peas contain lectins which can cause digestive issues in some dogs if fed over a prolonged period. More concerningly, peas contain phytic acid, which can block mineral absorption.

When choosing green vegetables to add to your dog’s diet kale and broccoli are far more nutritious to dogs than peas.

Can dogs eat pecan nuts?

No, pecan nuts are not safe for your dog to eat, as they can be toxic.

Pecan nuts contain a compound called juglone, which can cause vomiting, weakness, and muscle tremors in dogs. Furthermore, pecan nuts also carry a potential risk of choking or digestive blockage.

Can my dog eat Pepperoni?

No, pepperoni is not safe for dogs to eat.

Whilst it won’t kill your dog, again it’s high in preservations, inappropriate seasonings and salt, so should not be given to your dog.

Can dogs eat peppers?

Yes, bell peppers are safe for your dog to eat.

Peppers are rich in vitamins A, E, B6, and lutein and are great sources of vitamin C and beta-carotene, and rich in antioxidants important for a dog’s healthy immune system. Only feed bell peppers and not spicy ones like jalapeño and feed in moderation.

Can dogs eat pineapple?

Yes, pineapple is safe for your dog to eat. However, dried pineapple or tinned pineapple – especially in syrups – contain excessive amounts of sugars that aren’t good for your dog.

Pineapple contains a digestive enzyme called bromelain, which is known to support the digestion of proteins and act as an anti-inflammatory.

Fresh pineapple can be fed to your dog once a week or fortnight as a treat or to support digestive ailments such as pancreatitis. Alternatively, you could give your dog bromelain specifically for these reasons.

Can dogs eat pine nuts?

No, pine nuts are not safe for your dog to eat.

While pine nuts are not toxic, as a type of seed, they are less easily digested and can cause digestive issues in dogs.

Can dogs eat pistachio nuts?

Yes, pistachio nuts are safe for your dog to eat. However, they should be crushed or powdered.

There is a risk of choking or intestinal blockage if pistachios are fed whole. This isn’t guaranteed, as it depends on your dog’s individual digestive health, but it’s worth avoiding the risk.

As noted in other nuts on this page, watch out for mould growth – specifically aflatoxin – which could cause ill effects in dogs.

Can my dog eat plums?

Yes, plums are safe for your dog to eat, but they should not eat the plum’s stone.

While plums are generally safe for your dog, their relatively high sugar content could outweigh their nutritional benefits.

Instead of plums we recommend adding berries, kiwis or even a little papaya to your dog’s bowl.

Can dogs eat pomegranate?

No, pomegranates are not safe for your dog to eat. Their seeds are toxic to dogs and are too difficult to separate from the flesh. 

Pomegranate seeds would also be hard for your dog to digest and may cause gastric upsets.

Alternatively, some fresh pomegranate juice – with a high vitamin C content – could be a refreshing and nutritious treat for your dog. Offer it sparingly, however, as its sugar content could be excessive for some dogs.

Can dogs eat pork?

Yes, pork is safe for your dog to eat. However, pork comes in many forms and not all are healthy for dogs. 

Cooked, plain pork or pork liver is safe for dogs to eat. Raw pork is also safe for dogs to eat, provided you freeze it properly (21 days is recommended) before feeding it to them. In fact, meat in raw form is the predominant ingredient in a quality raw dog food recipe, discover the benefits of raw.

Pork food items, such as bacon, sausages or hams, are very often cured, smoked, or prepared with additional flavourings and salts; none of which are good for dogs. Processed pork meats, such as bacon or salami, can contain nitrates, which were labelled as carcinogenic by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 2014.

While these substances are being reduced in the human food chain, they are unfortunately still used in many pet foods. Some brands of pet food even colour their kibbles with nitrates.

Can I give my dog pork scratchings?

No, pork scratchings are not safe for your dog to eat. 

They are very high in cooked fats, which can cause pancreatitis. They also contain high amounts of salts and flavourings that can upset your dog’s digestion.

Instead, we recommend feeding your dog a naturally dehydrated meat treat instead of a human intended snack like pork scratchings —learn more here about the best treats to use when raw feeding your dog.

Can dogs eat potato?

Yes, potatoes are safe for your dog to eat. However, raw potato should be avoided. Cooked potato is typically safe for them to eat occasionally.

Potato is a starchy vegetable and should only be given in small amounts. If your dog needs carbohydrates in their diet, then potato is better than rice, though sweet potato would be preferable. Ultimately, dogs are not biologically suited to eat lots of starchy carbohydrates.

Can dogs eat prawns?

Yes, prawns are safe for your dog to eat. We recommend freezing them for 24 hours first to ensure any parasites or bacteria are killed off.

You can feed your dog both raw and cooked prawns. Remove the casing on cooked king prawns first.

Shrimp and prawns are different species, but both are safe for your dog. Also, both contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which dogs need to prevent (or heal) inflammation of their skin and joints.

Can my dog eat Proscuitto?

No, proscuitto is not safe for dogs to eat.

Prosciutto is a cured Italian meat, high in sodium and fat, and sometimes inappropriate seasonings, and may cause harm to your dog.

Can dogs eat prunes?

Yes, prunes are safe for your dog to eat. However, their high sugar and low moisture content make them less than ideal.

While both prunes and plums are okay for dogs to eat, we ultimately would not recommend either due to their relatively high sugar content. The sugar content in prunes is elevated as the water in them is reduced.

Prunes will not help a dog with constipation, as dogs have a different digestive system from humans. Prunes would be more likely to cause stomach upsets than solve any digestive issues. Some prunes are also prepared with preservatives, which may not be healthy for your dog.

Can dogs eat pumpkin?

Yes, pumpkin is safe for your dog to eat, but it should ideally be fed to them cooked.

Cooked pumpkin can be beneficial for dogs with constipation and diarrhoea, as it can nourish and moisten the digestive tract and provide extra vitamins to support healing.

Pumpkins contain vitamins C, A, and K and also contain useful amounts of vitamin E, which is particularly helpful for dogs with inflammatory issues or skin ailments.

Read more about the nutritional benefits of pumpkins to your canine companion.

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Can dogs eat quail?

Yes, quail is safe for your dog to eat. It can be fed as part of your dog’s raw meat diet or cooked, as long as all the cooked bones are removed.

Quail eggs, both raw or cooked, are also suitable for dogs.

Quail is an excellent source of iron, vitamin B6 and zinc and is a great bird option to consider if your dog cannot eat poultry meats like duck or chicken.

If you’re looking for alternative poultry meat, pheasant is another nutritious option.

Can my dog eat quark?

Yes, quark is safe for your dog to eat, but only in small amounts.

While quark is often a better alternative to yoghurt and cottage cheese (due to its lower fat content), dogs often find lactose and casein hard to digest. As such, we recommend that you keep dairy feeding to a minimum.

Can dogs eat quiche?

No, quiche is not safe for your dog to eat.

While quiche may not cause harm to your dog in small amounts, quiche does contain most of the food types dogs do not do well with cheese, wheat, refined flour pastry, tomatoes, possibly onions, processed meats (like bacon or ham) and often other dairy products, so we recommend you avoid feeding this type of food to your dog.

Can my dog eat quince?

Yes, quince is safe for your dog to eat, but only in small amounts. However, it is not recommended as a food for dogs. 

Quince looks a bit like a pear but paler and wobblier in appearance.

Compared to other fruits, such as berries, quince can contain a fair amount of sugar with little nutrition to balance it out, so is not an ideal food for dogs. If you are looking for food which doesn’t contain fruit or veg why not try our pure dog food range.

Can dogs eat quinoa?

Yes, quinoa is safe for your dog to eat. However, it falls short on quite a few of the amino acids dogs need daily and wouldn’t be sufficient as a protein source alone.

As with quinoa you would eat, first rinse the dry seeds in flowing cold water and then cook as you would normally. Any colour quinoa is safe for dogs.

When considering protein options for your dog, we recommend sticking with those from animal sources. Dogs are carnivores therefore are designed to process animal based proteins far more effectively than plant-based ones —learn more here.


Can dogs eat radishes?

Yes, radishes are safe for your dog to eat.

However, radishes are not the most nutrient-dense vegetable, so they would be better fed in small amounts as a treat rather than as part of a complete meal.

Can dogs eat raspberries?

Yes, raspberries are safe for your dog to eat. They are easy to feed and contain useful prebiotics that can support your dog’s gut microbiome.

Raspberries also boast lots of vitamin C and manganese and, as such, are a great alternative to blueberries.

Just feed up to a handful a day, depending on your dog’s size, for a nutrient boost and prebiotic support.

We also recommend offering blueberries, blackberries and strawberries to your dogs.

Can dogs eat redcurrants?

No, redcurrants are not safe for your dog to eat.

Redcurrants are in the grape family, and while no definitive science says they are toxic, they contain compounds that can deleteriously affect a dog’s kidneys.

A better option for dogs would be raspberries or blueberries, which are both safe to eat and very nutritious.

Can dogs eat rhubarb?

No, rhubarb is not safe for your dog to eat. While its long reddish green stems can be safe, rhubarb leaves are toxic.

Rhubarb also contains malic acid, which, in high doses, can cause vomiting. If your dog has eaten some of your rhubarb crumble, the rhubarb in this will not be toxic. However, as rhubarb is pretty low in helpful nutrients, you should still look to safer, more nutritious foods.


Can my dog eat Salami?

No, salami is not safe for dogs to eat.

Salami is dry cured, high in salt, fat and preservative, so should be avoided.

Can dogs eat salmon?

Yes, salmon is safe for your dog to eat. Smoked salmon is not recommended for dogs, however, as it can contain excessive flavourings, salts and cancer-associated nitrates.

To note, you should always check where your salmon comes from. For instance, raw salmon from the Pacific Ocean is known to contain more of a parasite called neorickettsia, which can be toxic to dogs. Also, farmed salmon is often high in antibiotics and other nasties that are used to make farming large numbers of salmon easier.

Be aware that all fish can contain mercury, so shouldn’t ideally be fed as a main staple meat source for your dog.

As with all seafood, it is best to freeze raw salmon for at least 24 hours before feeding it to your dog. To properly kill off any of the neorickettsia mentioned above, the salmon must be frozen at -20c. If this is colder than your home freezer and you are at all worried, simply cook the salmon – its nutrient levels should nominally change.

The easiest option for many people is to buy ready-prepared raw dog food meals from reputable brands (such as ours) or responsible pet stores who make sure to keep meals frozen and uphold freezing protocols.

Check out our fish raw dog food range.

Can my dog eat Sausages?

Yes, sausages are safe for dogs to eat. In moderation, as the very occasional treat if high quality, pure lean meat, with no seasoning or additives such as onions/chilli or other inappropriate ingredients.

However, if high fat, preserved with sulphites and high in seasoning, then best avoided.

Can dogs eat sardines?

Yes, sardines are safe for your dog to eat, raw or cooked from a tin. Sardine bones are typically too breakable and small to cause swallowing or digestion issues.

Tinned sardines are a common addition to processed dog food to supplement the fatty acids that dogs miss out on with kibble or canned foods. If you are already adding sardines to your dog’s processed food, you might be closer than you think to making a full transition to raw and fresh food.

It is best to freeze fresh sardines for 24 hours before feeding them to your dog. This should kill off any bacteria or parasites that may be living in the flesh of the fish.

If feeding tinned sardines, it is better to use the types that are held in water or olive oil. However, avoid tinned sardines mixed with tomato or in brine, as these can be too salty for your dog.

Can dogs eat satsumas?

Yes, satsumas are safe for your dog to eat.

However, while satsumas, tangerines, clementines and mandarins are safe for dogs to eat, they do not hold much nutritional value.

Dogs can better obtain nutrients like vitamin C from green leafy vegetables (and with fewer sugars). However, your dog can eat these fruits as a treat if they enjoy them. That said, meat based natural dog treats are far more nutritious for a dog, and we’re pretty sure they would prefer them.

Can my dog eat Spam?

No, Spam is not safe for dogs to eat.

Spam contains too much salt, preservatives and cooked fats which are not good for dogs. Avoid.

Can my dog eat spinach?

Yes, spinach is safe for your dog to eat. 

Due to the wonderful nutrient profile of spinach which includes a good amount of iron, and vitamins A, C and K, it could be a great addition to your dog’s food bowl, if they like it.

Moreover, like kale, spinach contains anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine compounds like quercetin, kaempferol, lutein and zeaxanthin.

To note, spinach contains higher amounts of oxalates – a compound that can influence kidney stones and mineral absorption – than most other vegetables. It should be fed to your dog only once weekly and cooked, as cooking considerably reduces this leafy green’s oxalate content.

Can dogs eat sprats?

Yes, sprats are safe for your dog to eat.

Fed raw, cooked, or dehydrated as treats, European sprats – also known as Russian sardines, whitebait and bristling – are typically too breakable and small to cause your dog any swallowing or digestion issues.

It is best to freeze fresh fish for 24 hours before feeding it to your dog to kill off any bacteria or parasites that may be living in the fish’s flesh. Alternatively, choose our naturally dehydrated sprats for the ideal training treat.

Can dogs eat spring onions?

No, spring onions are not safe for your dog to eat. 

Like all the onion family, spring onions can affect dogs’ red blood cell counts and even cause organ damage.

Call your vet if you are concerned that your dog has eaten spring onions.

Can dogs eat starfruit?

No, starfruit is not safe for your dog to eat. 

Even a small amount of starfruit can cause vomiting and even kidney failure due to high levels of calcium oxalate. This molecule, despite its name, actually binds to (and severely reduces) the calcium in your dog’s body, affecting their kidney function.

We recommend that you call your vet if your dog has eaten starfruit.

Can dogs eat strawberries?

Yes, strawberries are safe for your dog to eat. 

Your dog can enjoy chopped strawberries in their meals a few times a week (or even daily) for their antioxidant and prebiotic effects. Prebiotics are helpful in balancing gut microbiota and supporting the digestive system as a whole.

Strawberries are relatively large berries, so they provide a little more water content to your dog than smaller berries can.

Strawberries are also rich in manganese, B9 (folate), and vitamin C. They also contain an antioxidant called anthocyanin, which is an anti-inflammatory and has even shown anti-cancer benefits.

We recommend alternating the berries your dog enjoys in their meals.

Can dogs eat swede?

Yes, swede is safe for your dog to eat, though it’s better fed to them cooked.

For a dog, swede doesn’t hold a great deal of nutritional value, so a little extra vitamin C or bulking out a meal may be the only reasons to feed your dog swede. See also: turnip.

Can dogs eat sweet potato?

Yes, sweet potatoes are safe for your dog to eat. However, it should be cooked as it will not be easily digested raw.

Cooked sweet potato can be used to help a dog with constipation. It will nourish the digestive tract with fibre, vitamins, and moisture, which all support healing this ailment. Moreover, sweet potato is rich in manganese, a nutrient which some dogs may require more of than they get from a raw or real meat diet.

Also called yams in some parts of the world, sweet potatoes are not from the same family as white potatoes and are not, in fact, even potatoes! While sweet potatoes contain a high amount of starch, this is far less than white potatoes. If your dog needs something to bulk out a meal, sweet potatoes are more in line with a wild diet than white potatoes are.


Can dogs drink tea?

No, non-herbal tea is not safe for your dog to drink.

Some dogs may appear to enjoy the taste of a cup of tea. However, while tea isn’t toxic to dogs, it can cause digestive upsets and contribute to adrenal fatigue.

Herbal teas, however, can be great for dogs. Make sure to choose a herbal tea you know is safe for dogs, or one that your veterinary herbalist has suggested. Green tea can be very beneficial. For a nutritious and hydrating alternative, why not offer your dog a cup of herb infused lamb or beef bone broth? Discover our chicken bone broth too.

Can I give my dog toast?

No, toast is not safe for your dog to eat. 

While toast (and bread generally) isn’t toxic to dogs, it offers very little nutritional value. It can even contribute to common canine well-being issues.

The high sugar content in refined products such as toast, bread, cakes and pastries can cause imbalances in dogs’ blood sugar levels whilst blocking pathways for essential nutrients such as vitamin C and healthy fats. Bread consumption is also known to contribute to gut, skin, and ear issues.

Can dogs eat tomatoes?

Yes, tomatoes are safe for your dog to eat, provided they are ripe.

Ripe tomatoes are safe in small amounts, fed raw or cooked. Unripe tomatoes – that are in some way still green – are toxic to dogs.

Unripe tomatoes can cause sickness, intestinal damage and drowsiness in your dog. As a moisture-rich salad vegetable, there is little nutritional value for your dog in a tomato.

Can dogs eat turkey bones?

Yes, turkey bones are safe for your dog to eat, but ONLY if raw. Your dog cannot eat turkey bones if they have been cooked.

As mentioned throughout this page, dogs can benefit from chewing on and eating raw bones. Raw bones are full of moisture. They’re also chewy, flexible and have been part of wild dog diets since the dawn of evolution. Conversely, cooked bones are dry, often brittle, known to cause digestive issues and sometimes even damage to your dog’s mouth.

Many dogs enjoy a raw turkey neck to chew on, and others a blended raw turkey carcass – perhaps a Christmas dinner idea for dogs.

If your dog has eaten cooked turkey bones, keep an eye on them. Feeding something lighter in the evening or not at all that evening can help their digestive system to manage the dry bone content.

Aside from the nutrient benefits of raw bones for dogs, the action of chewing supports dogs’ dental hygiene and provides mental stimulation. Finding appropriate raw bones or natural chewable treats is important for overall dog well-being.

Can dogs eat turnips?

Yes, turnips are safe for your dog to eat. However, dogs are less likely to digest raw turnips successfully so cooking is advisable.

Like swede, turnips have low nutritional content for dogs. Ideally, an alternative food should be sought out.


Can dogs eat ugli fruits?

No, ugli fruit is not safe for your dog to eat.

While it is not outright toxic to dogs, ugli fruit contains citric acid, and so is bitter to the taste, which is likely to put your dog off eating it.

Can dogs eat uncooked meat?

Yes, uncooked meat is safe for your dog to eat. 

In fact, raw meat is the predominant ingredient in the ideal dog diet. As carnivores, dogs are designed to eat and thrive on raw meat. As such, dogs fed a raw diet experience a great deal of health benefits.

Feeding your dog complete and balanced raw meals is the best way to provide a species-appropriate raw diet.

Can my dog drink Umbongo? (Fruit drinks)

This fun drink from the 1990’s is making a comeback. Whilst it is not toxic, should your dog accidentally drink some it will be far too sweet for them, contains citric acids and may contain flavourings or sweeteners all of which could harm them, or even be toxic.

Dogs stay best hydrated with plain H2O, water, perhaps even filtered if you are going for the ultimate natural alternatives for your dogs.

Can my dig eat unsweetened chocolate?

No, unsweetened chocolate, or any chocolate not made especially for dogs, is not safe for your dog to eat. 

While every dog is different, typically, the darker the chocolate, the higher the risk of poisoning, vomiting, seizures and kidney problems. Using xylitol (an artificial sweetener) can also cause morbidity in dogs.

70 grams of chocolate can be a risk for smaller dogs, while bigger dogs might get away with up to 400 grams. ZERO grams of chocolate is, however, obviously, the only recommended dose.

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Can my dog eat vanilla?

Yes, vanilla is safe for your dog to eat, but only as a culinary herb.

Generally, however, you should avoid feeding your dog vanilla flavourings, as these often have sweeteners and sometimes even alcohol in them.

Can my dog eat veal?

Yes, veal is safe for your dog to eat raw or cooked, with any cooked bones removed.

Veal is rich in vitamins and minerals, such as iron and manganese, and is often included in ready-made raw dog food meals. If you are looking for novel meat proteins to feed your dog, venisonpheasant, or wild boar are all great alternatives to the more commonly farmed meats on offer.

Can dogs eat venison?

Yes, venison is safe for your dog to eat raw or cooked, with any cooked bones removed.

Venison is rich in minerals such as iron, manganese and zinc and is typically a lower fat meat option. Most venison is caught wild and so has likely had a healthier, perhaps happier life than farmed venison might.

Naturally dehydrated venison makes the ideal enrichment treat for dogs.

Can I give my dog vol-au-vents?

No, vol-au-vents are not safe for your dog to eat. 

Although they’re unlikely to be toxic to your dog unless they contain onions, they’re not recommended as a food for dogs.

Vol-au-vents often contain wheat, pastry fats, and fillings that are simply too rich for dogs.


Can my dog eat walnuts?

Yes, walnuts are safe for your dog to eat. However, they should be crushed or powdered. 

Powdered or crushed walnuts can provide lots of beneficial omega-3 fatty acids, which can help manage inflammation. They also contain a good amount of copper and vitamin E, contributing to their status as a brain nut – and not least because they visually resemble small brains!

Can dogs eat watercress?

No, watercress is not safe for your dog to eat, as it can be toxic to them. 

This view seems to divide the dog community somewhat, with many suggesting it causes nausea and vomiting, and some describing kidney or thyroid issues. However, some veterinary herbalists often rely on it for certain phytonutrient values.

Generally, we would recommend only using watercress for dogs under the guidance of a veterinary herbalist.

Can dogs eat Weetabix?

No, Weetabix is not safe for your dog to eat. Breakfast cereals, including Weetabix, are rarely ideal for dogs. 

Each breakfast cereal will have a slightly different ingredient list, but as most are made up of grains, corn and often sugars, breakfast cereals are not best suited to our dogs.

Dogs gain very little nutritional value from being fed grains, which can contribute to inflammation, digestive ailments and yeast overgrowth.

In the past, with few ingredients and a mushy texture, Weetabix have been used to wean puppies.

Nowadays, though, we know that puppies can have fresh real meat blended into a finer mince and should never need grain.


Can my dog eat xanthan gum?

Yes, xanthan gum is safe for your dog to eat, but only in very moderate amounts.

This food thickener is often added to processed pet foods to create texture.


Can my dog drink Yakult?

Yes, Yakult is safe for your dog to drink. It can provide a small portion of one strain of beneficial bacteria for your dog.

However, dogs often find the dairy-sugar, lactose, and the dairy-protein, casein, hard to digest.

A  better way to introduce lots of beneficial probiotic bacteria to your dog’s gut is by giving them kefir, also discussed on this page. Goat’s dairy is far easier for dogs to digest. And where Yakult has only one main strain of beneficial probiotic, kefir has many.

Alternatively, introduce a natural dog supplement containing probiotics such as this one or add a dog-friendly probiotic — learn more about our range of probiotics for dogs.

Can my dog eat yeast?

Yes, yeast is safe for your dog to eat, but only certain types.

Vegan nutritional yeasts can be safe for dogs to eat, as these yeasts do not support the growth of gut yeasts such as candida. If your dog can eat meat, then meat is a better source of nutrients like vitamin B12. And, on the whole, bread yeasts are to be avoided.

More specifically, Dalmatians should not consume brewer’s yeast as it is high in purines.

Occasionally, you could try adding vegan nutritional yeast as an enticement to your dog’s food. However, if your dog is fussy, we recommend solving the fussiness rather than tempting them around it.

If your dog is fresh fed 90% of the time, a fussy dog is usually a full-up dog!

Can my dog eat yoghurt?

Yes, yoghurt is safe for your dog to eat, but only in small quantities. 

Live yoghurt can provide small amounts of beneficial bacteria for your dog. You should always try, however, to keep any dairy products you feed them to a minimum. See Yakult or kefir on this page for more information.

Can I give my dog Yorkshire Pudding?

Yes, Yorkshire pudding is safe for your dog to eat, but only in small amounts and very occasionally. However, it is not ideal as a food type.

Its ingredients – wheat, dairy, and, for some dogs, eggs can cause digestive trouble or loose stool.

Can dogs eat yuca?

Yes, yucca is safe for your dog to eat when used in supplement form. However, it is not ideal for them to nibble on your house plant.

In a supplement or as a minor ingredient in processed pet foods, yucca can be beneficial for a dog’s digestion.

Yuca, with one c, also known as cassava, is not the same as an ornamental house plant or herb but is also known to be beneficial for immunity and digestive issues, and is what the tapioca is made from.

Alternatively, our range of natural supplements can help dogs who require digestive or immune support.


Can dogs eat zebra?

Yes, zebra is safe for your dog to eat raw or cooked, with cooked bones removed.

It is rare to find zebra meat for sale in the UK. However, it is worth feeding it to your dog if you can.

Usually, zebra meat is low in fat and contains good amounts of iron, zinc, B12 and essential omega fatty acids. And, in case you were wondering, zebra meat is not stripy!

If your dog requires less commonly farmed meats, then our novel protein raw food range could provide the alternative meal options you are looking for.

Can dogs eat zucchini?

See courgette.



This is amazing and super helpful research! Kudos to the team


you are more than welcome


Amazing thanks !!!!!


Is it true that certain foods, like aubergine, can actually harm a dog’s health if they have certain conditions? What other foods should be avoided to ensure a dog’s well-being?

Alison Frost

IF you look at the A-Z list this will give you a great overview of hat to feed, and what not to feed.


I know and as you say, dogs can eat apples. I have never fed any of my dogs the apple core because I thought the apple pips are poisonous to a dog. Is this right?


Alison Frost

Seeds do contain a vey small amount of cyanide, but they would have to consume a huge amount to cause any issues.

If feeding the apples yourself, just remove the core. If your dog scavenges them from a fallen tree then he would have to consumes hundreds of full apples to have an issue

Hope that helps

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