Rid transformed lives with his knowledge and skills—a colleague and friend who will be remembered fondly by the team. His death was a shock to everyone who knew him. The ProDog team will miss him beyond words.
Inspired by Rid’s legacy and unwavering passion for dietary supplements, we were determined to honour his memory by fulfilling his aspirations for continuous innovation and keeping our products up to date with the latest nutritional advancements. He was driven to make a difference, supporting our customers’ eco-conscious efforts and ensuring that dogs live their healthiest lives.
Understanding Rid’s vision and goals, we rallied together, pouring our energy, passion, and expertise into reviewing, reformulating, repackaging and relaunching our already popular product range. Our supplements now boast upgraded, sustainable packaging and meticulously curated ingredients.
Intensive research and testing have ensured the formulation of exclusive products expertly formulated with carefully selected ingredients; backed by science and vet-approved. Each component is sourced through Rid’s trusted contacts, reflecting his commitment to quality and dedication to working with only the finest suppliers.
‘Supplements by ProDog ‘products are not only power-packed with the very best that nature has to offer, but they also come in eco-friendly zip-lock packaging, ensuring that they stay perfectly fresh and in optimum condition for longer. For dog owners seeking the absolute best for their canine companions, these aren’t to be missed. We are so confident with the range that we even offer a no-quibble 30-day money-back guarantee.