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How to Build Muscle in Dogs

Author: ProDog Raw

How to Build Muscle in Dogs

Dog owners that are serious about their dog’s nutrition and condition want to give their dog a healthy source of protein so they can grow strong and perform well! We take a look at how to build muscle in dogs and why the correct proteins (that are included in raw dog food) are so important.

Why is Protein so Important for Dogs?

Protein is an essential part of a nutritional diet for dogs. It has many roles including building and repairing muscle and other tissues. In addition to building lean muscle, it is also required to form new skin cells and grow hair as well as other functions. This key element of a canine diet can also assist in creating body chemicals like hormones and enzymes, needed for normal function. It provides energy for dogs and keeps the immune system strong.

Proteins consist of amino acids of which 22 are required to make the much-needed proteins for dogs. Your dog is able to produce about half of these amino acids but they need help to produce the other half. These should come from their food or the supplements that they eat every day. Due to the importance of these amino acids they are known as “essential” amino acids. Deficiencies of any of the essential amino acids over time can lead to health problems which include:

  • A weaker immune system
  • Unwanted weight loss
  • A dull coat or skin problems
  • Behavioural problems
  • Weak or deformed bones
  • Low energy or lethargy
  • Wounds that are unusually slow to heal

How to Build Muscle in Dogs Using the Right Proteins

It is essential to look for natural, biologically appropriate sources of protein wherever possible.

The term “biological value” refers to how easily the body can digest protein. Foods with a low biological value mean that they are can’t be absorbed by your dog. Basically it will pass through their system without being digested and leave the body as waste. High biological value means that it is easy to break down and absorb the nutrients. The dog will then use the protein to stay strong, fit and healthy. When considering how to build muscle in dogs, biological value is key.

High biological value protein sources include chicken, turkey and fish and other raw meats. All of these and more can be found in the ProDog Raw feeding range.
If you want to discover how to build muscle in dogs then these lean sources of meat are a low-fat, high-quality protein that your dog will love. Chicken and turkey and other types of poultry are among the most natural, healthiest, and easily digested sources of protein that you can feed your dog.

What if my Dog Needs Something Extra in Their Diet?

Many owners choose to supplement their dog’s diet even if they are fed a raw diet. This could be for a number of reasons such as the demands of the dog’s work or competition where performance is crucial. It may be because a dog is recovering from illness or injury. Some breeds such as the Bull breeds, including English/British Bulldogs, French Bulldogs, American Bulldogs, Bull Mastiff and Staffordshire Bull Terriers for example, are naturally more muscular than others therefore require higher protein levels. Bull breed owners often look at how to build muscle in dogs to achieve a great physique and improve strength and condition.

What About Whey Protein?

Whey protein is found in some dog supplements marketed to assist a dog gain lean muscle. Created from a byproduct of the process used to make cheese (coagulated milk), whey protein is essentially a dairy based product and as such NOT recommended for dogs.

It is now widely documented and recognised that our canine friends should not consume dairy in their diet as this can wreak havoc in their digestive systems which are simply not designed to process dairy based produce.

As an ingredient that isn’t found naturally, the manufactured nature of whey protein means you don’t always know what’s in it! Ingestion of these processed proteins by dogs can lead to all manner of problems including gas, diarrhoea or vomiting and even allergens and itching. Whey protein therefore should be avoided in favour of a healthier alternative.

Choosing a Healthier Protein Alternative

Now that you know the difference between good and bad protein sources for your dog, all that is left to do is to make the right choice when choosing your dog’s diet or indeed dog supplements.

A Natural Option

If you are looking to give your dog the edge and optimise their protein consumption, adding canine nutritional supplements alongside a healthy raw diet is where you should start. You need to choose a supplement which contains more suitable, all natural and organic ingredients.

Organic Hydrolysed Soy Isolate is a plant based protein as opposed to a milk based alternative which has not been genetically modified in any way. It is dog friendly and an excellent way to boost protein to assist in the repair and regeneration of muscle tissue.

You can maximise lean muscle growth and development in your dog while enhancing stamina and performance. This organic source of protein can also aid in the prevention of digestive problems including colitis, idiopathic diarrhoea and inflammatory bowel disease. In fact, administered in the right dosage, as part of a balanced diet, it has untold benefits for your dog’s condition as can be seen from our customers reviews.

We have many clients that have seen excellent results in their dogs. The bull breeds that have been given ProDog nutrition supplements have benefited from achieving lean muscle mass development and therefore a head-turning physique. Other breeds that have reported outstanding results from our supplements include Cane Corsos, Boxers, Dobermans, German Shepherds and Rottweilers. All of these dogs have been able to achieve optimal muscle development and showcased increased energy and vitality in addition to the most amazing coats and skin health.

To see the results that your dog can achieve using ProDog muscle supplements, or to find out more about our all natural, organic range including our protein products, Maximus and Muscle+, just click the links.



Do you deliver to Washington State 98310?


Hi there, yes, we deliver our supplements to the US however not our food as it is frozen once produced here in the UK.

Lewis Button

What’s the best food to feed my American XL bully I want the best out of her, pure lean muscle mass she’s 20 weeks weighing 21kg

Lewis Button

18 weeks ^***


Hi Lewis
For the next few weeks we recommend our puppy raw range, however from 24 weeks, you can feed her the adult range. If you want a complete solution then our Complete range is an excellent choice. The Pure range doesn’t contain any veggies so you may want to consider making your own additions. For maximum performance and lean muscle mass, check out ProDog Maximus from our supplements range
A raw diet with Maximus is the ideal choice.
Team ProDog


what types of food do i feed my pup if it is still small and I am scared of its stomach swelling up

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