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Logan the Life-Changing Assistance Dog

Logan, ‘The Show Cocker Spaniel,’ joined Kirsty’s family when the need for a companion for her son Stanley became evident. Diagnosed with an incurable form of cancer at age 6, 9-year-old Stanley had become withdrawn and reluctant to engage with the outside world. Social interactions, including hospital visits, proved difficult for him, compounded by hurtful remarks about his appearance that not only affected him deeply but also impacted his family.

We take a look at Logan’s journey, his appetite struggles and how ProDog Raw has helped him to be the best canine companion that Stanley, and Kirsty, could wish for.

Author: ProDog Raw

Logan the Life-Changing Assistance Dog

Logan’s story

Stanley’s need for support was evident, especially with the challenges he faced from cruel comments and negativity regarding his appearance, making it difficult for him to leave the house. Recognising this, Kirsty knew action was necessary. 

Inspired by Stanley’s love for Cocker Spaniels, particularly after encountering a gentle police dog, Kirsty set out to find the perfect canine companion. She sought a dog that would not only fit well into their family but also be suitable for training as an assistance dog.

Embarking on her search, Kirsty delved into extensive research online, aiming to find a reputable breeder with the perfect dog for Stanley. To her surprise, the breeder, deeply moved by Stanley’s story, generously offered a significant reduction in price.

Logan came to Kirsty at 8 weeks old as a gorgeous bundle of joy intended to make a positive impact on Stanley’s life. The trouble is, he didn’t have a great appetite and was refusing the kibble that the breeder had been giving him. After much research, Kirsty discovered ProDog Raw and decided to give it a go.

“When Logan was refusing his kibble, I knew I needed to find an alternative and started to investigate the best diet for him. After carrying out lots of research, I came across ProDog Raw and decided to order a sample pack.”

Logan eagerly embraced his ProDog sample pack, enjoying every meal, while Kirsty felt reassured knowing she was providing him with quality food. Not only does Logan’s newfound enthusiasm for meals bring joy, but Kirsty also appreciates the added benefits of raw feeding: firm stools and simplified cleanup. 

Navigating the website was a breeze, and Kirsty found convenience in ordering treats, meals, and supplements from one source, with excellent customer service for beginner raw feeders. Additionally, the packaging is convenient for storage and serving, leaving Kirsty confident in her choice.

With Logan now enjoying his mealtimes, Kirsty is confident he’s receiving optimal nutrition, even incorporating Bone Broth for added support. She knows Logan is getting all the nourishment needed to fulfil his role as Stanley’s Assistance Dog.

Logan’s journey to becoming an assistance dog

Training an assistance dog to fulfil its required tasks is undeniably challenging, and Kirsty embarked on a significant learning journey. Along the way, she found unexpected support and even secured sponsorship for Logan’s training.

It’s an intriguing journey as Logan undergoes training using Stanley’s DNA to detect changes in his blood chemistry. Soon, Logan will also be able to detect variations in Stanley’s temperature and blood pressure, alerting Stanley’s parents with a bark.

Additionally, Logan is undergoing training to retrieve Stanley’s emergency pack. Given that Stanley has a Hickman line in place, which connects directly to his main artery for chemotherapy and other drug administration, as well as blood tests, any dislodgement requires immediate attention. In such a critical situation, there’s no time for a lone human to both stem the bleeding and fetch the pack.

Stanley finds the three weekly hospital visits more manageable with Logan by his side, providing invaluable support as his trusted companion. During weekly dressing changes, Logan offers comfort by resting his head in Stanley’s lap. Moreover, with chemotherapy sessions at Great Ormond Street happening twice a week, Logan’s exceptional abilities at a young age have prompted expedited training with an expert service dog trainer. Once fully trained, Logan will not only accompany Stanley to his treatments but also remain by his side throughout the procedures.

The positive impact Logan makes every day

Before Logan, Stanley and his family endured cruel comments and stares, leading Stanley to withdraw from going out. However, with Logan as his sidekick, their lives have transformed. Stanley’s confidence has grown, allowing them to venture out as a family once again. 

Now, people approach them to admire Logan, shifting the focus away from Stanley. This newfound attention has led to meaningful interactions, even on family holidays. Stanley’s love for conversation has flourished, thanks to Logan providing emotional support and enabling him to engage with the world once more.

Logan’s presence has brought the family, a distraction, joy and support. As Stanley’s assistance dog, Logan wears his vest when needed, providing invaluable support. When off duty, Logan simply enjoys being himself with Kirsty. Beyond assisting Stanley, Logan has also supported the entire family through emotional challenges since Stanley’s diagnosis. With his infectious personality and entertainment value, Logan has truly changed their world for the better, bringing laughter and joy into their lives.

Discover How We Can Help

If you’re interested in discovering the benefits of a raw diet, or need advice on the best nutritional support for your dog, the ProDog team is ready to assist. From answering questions to suggesting the optimal food topper supplements, they can guide you through a multitude of natural ingredients to find the best choice for your fur friend. Contact us today for personalised assistance.

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